Eco Church 

Eco Church 


Strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of earth.

As a member of Eco-congregation Scotland, Broughty Ferry Parish Church is committed to: 

  • caring for creation
  • making the link between environmental issues and the Christian faith
  • responding with practical action in the church and wider community

Our Bronze Award for this work recognises our achievements to date but we are committed to go further and meet the challenges of the silver and gold award as well as our own goals towards the fifth Mark of Mission. 

While climate change, loss of habitat for plants and animals (big and small) and the challenges posed by an ever-increasing human population seems daunting, we need to “Think Globally but Act Locally!” We can all “do our bit” no matter how small and together the church community can make progress towards a sustainable future for our planet. 

Examples of how our Church contibutes include:

  • Maintaining the Meditation Garden and Green Graveyard in St Aidan’s 
  • Seeking further opportunities for nature in all our gardens 
  • Growing flowers and vegetables in the Community Garden in Queen Street
  • Regularly including environmental issues in worship services 
  • Continuing to improve the energy efficiency of our buildings and their use 
  • Providing recycling points for stamps, printer cartridges, milk carton tops and glasses in addition to household recycling 
  • Increasing use of technology for communication to become “paper light” 
  • Promoting links with Government agencies and charities to share ideas and actions on “Green issues”