


Broughty Ferry Parish Church 

One of the ways that we can express our love for God and for others is through our giving. Both Broughty Ferry Parish Church and the Church of Scotland centrally rely on charitable giving, and any support given is deeply appreciated. Donations from members and supporters are vital in enabling us to meet the cost of ministry and mission and for the upkeep of our historic buildings. Our donations also help support the wider work of the Church both at home and abroad.

Regular donations to Broughty Ferry Parish Church can be made by Standing Order or Freewill Offering envelopes. UK taxpayers can also increase their giving by 25% at no cost to themselves by filling in a Gift Aid Form. 

One-off gift donations can be made by BACS transfer directly into the congregational account.

For further information please contact the Church Treasurer at

There is an Online Giving page on the Church of Scotland website which enables you to use PayPal (PayPal charge 30p + 2.9% per transaction) to give to the Church of Scotland centrally or to an individual congregation like Broughty Ferry Parish Church.  You can find the ‘Donate to Church’ page here.

Christian Aid

Christian Aid seeks to create a world free from extreme poverty and injustice by tackling the root causes. At Broughty Ferry Parish Church we actively support Christian Aid, and encourage any Church members who are able to do so, to make regular gift-aided contributions directly. During Christian Aid week we arrange doorstep collections within our parish, and on the penultimate day you will find members of our congregation shaking their collection buckets locally. 

To donate or find out more about Christian Aid please visit their website here.

We also support the following local charities:

Dundee Foodbank 

Dundee Foodbank is part of The Trussell Trust’s network of 428 foodbanks, working to tackle food poverty and hunger in our local communities, as well as across the UK. Approximately 1 in 5 people are deemed to be living in poverty, and Dundee Foodbank aims to provide assistance to this group by way of providing food parcels to those deemed most needy.  Members of Broughty Ferry Parish Church donate items to Dundee Foodbank at both Queen Street East and Barnhill St. Margaret’s.

At Queen Street East donations of basic foodstuffs, toiletries, household cleaning items, pet food etc. for Dundee Foodbank can be left in the container in the Church entrance to be regularly delivered. 

At the main entrance of Barnhill St. Margaret’s there are 2 large labelled green plastic baskets where non-perishable food items can be donated. A team of Church volunteers are responsible for delivering donated items to the Foodbank each week.  Of course, if you as an individual would like to deliver directly to the Foodbank, please find a link to their website below.

To read more about the work of Dundee Foodbank and for a list of what items are urgently required please see here.

Queen Street East contact for Dundee Foodbank is Kathleen Coupar 07724 145 343 and for Barnhill St. Margaret’s is the Church Office.

Dundee Starter Packs 

Dundee Starter Packs SCIO is a voluntary charity, initiated by Scottish Churches Housing Action in 2000, responding positively to the problems faced by resettling homeless individuals, families and those in need, in Dundee and surrounding areas. People are referred for a number of different reasons but they all have one thing in common, financial hardship and have no means to provide themselves with basic household items.

Members of Broughty Ferry Parish Church donate to Dundee Starter Packs at both Queen Street East and Barnhill St. Margaret’s, collecting good quality unwanted household items, such as; Crockery, Cutlery, Pots, Pans, Utensils, Casserole Dishes, Mugs, Tumblers, Storage Containers, Bedding, Towels, Curtains and small domestic electrical appliances.

Small donations can be left at Barnhill St Margaret’s main Church entrance. Contact for Barnhill St. Margaret’s is Christine Johnston 01382 477739.

At Queen Street East collections of donations are regularly arranged by Joline Munro. For further information contact 01382 778054 or

Please see ‘Connecting Monthly’ (link here to News & Events section?) for updates.

For more information on the charity or to contact them directly to arrange a large donation please visit the Dundee Starters Packs here.